Sunday, November 18, 2012

Through without a hitch. Not.

I guess we should know that we can't expect things to go smoothly...we are doing the Lord's work after all. This is our mission field.

Checked in through the kiosk with some help because we are apparently not so smart. Then checked our luggage - only to find out it is a whopping $200 if you bag weighs over 50 pounds. Holy Toledo! The contents in the bag are probably worth less than $200!! Well, our big bag weighed 59.5 pounds. Yikes! The 9.5 pounds that we were over are definitely worth less than $200. So, he told us to try and shift contents from one bag to another. I had a plan to ditch some items, if I had to. So, we shifted around and this was the result when we re-weighed:

Bag 1: 39.5 pounds
Bag 2: 49.5 pounds
Bag 3: 49.5 pounds

Wow!!! We couldn't have planned that any better. But we wouldn't be surprised if the little suitcase is paaaacked!!

Then, we start to head through security and kids are allowed to keep their shoes on. So, Coby starts to go through and the machine beeps. His clodhopper feet caused the machine to beep!

Ate some Jason's Deli before we head out. Then, Coby says he has to go to the bathroom. Well....I am not about to let my son go into the men's restroom in the airport by himself and Danny is trying to fix our seating arrangement ( oh yeah, forgot to mention that we don't have seats together), so I find a family restroom so that Coby can do his thing. As he's sitting on the toilet, it flushes. Then flushes again and again and again. Did I mention that he's still sitting on the toilet? It flushed about 6 or 7 times. I think that should have been Coby's hint that he was taking too long! So, then he went to the sink to wash his hands and the automatic soap dispenser kept dispensing soap. By the time he was done washing his hands, the sink looked like a washing machine that overflowed with bubbles!!!

Just some of the many experiences that we have had so far and we haven't even gotten on our first plane yet!

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