Tuesday, July 31, 2012

From the Broken Hearted

So, I have been waiting for the right time to blog because I am just not a writer and it does not come easily for me.  I am sitting here at the computer going through a wave of emotions and tears start streaming down my face.  Now is the time to blog?  Really?  But I felt the nudge and so here I sit, blogging.  Once I read this over tomorrow, I may realize that I shouldn't be blogging, especially when I am so emotional but I always promised that I would be transparent and would write exactly what is on my mind, without holding back.  So, maybe now is the time to blog!

We have had two precious children in our care for the past 5 weeks.  We weren't planning on hosting this summer.  As a matter of fact, I even told my friend Nicole (she volunteers for the hosting program) that we were not planning on hosting.  But God had other plans for us.  When Nicole and her husband, Joe, went to the Ukraine in February, they interviewed some children at one of the orphanages for the summer hosting program.  After they interviewed Lilya and Alex, they both said that they thought those children would be perfect for us.  So, even though they knew we didn't want to host, she still emailed me a photo and profile of these children.  She is stubborn, ya know!  And thank God she is!!  So, Danny and I prayed about it and we realized that He wanted us to host these kids.  I am so glad that we listened.  Had we not listened to Him, we would have missed out!  Oh the things we would have missed out on!!!

We would have missed out on hugs, kisses, "I love you's", attitudes, silliness, playing UNO and Jenga, watching "Pink Panther" 500 times, riding bikes, picky eaters, a noisy house, a big hole in our backyard, a cookie baking partner, 16 hours at the dentist and eye doctor, lots of appreciation and so much more that I can't even begin to write it all out.

Now, I sit here with less than 30 hours before these children get on a plane and head back to the Ukraine.  To a place where they are going to lay their head down on a bed with a crappy mattress in a room with many other children and will probably cry themselves to sleep for the first week or so.  They won't have anyone to tuck them in and tell them it's going to be OK.  They won't get much to eat and most definitely won't get the nutrition that they need so desperately for their growing bodies.  They won't get to ask for seconds and they won't get to have an apple every day.  They might get beat up, they might get teased and they won't have a mom or dad their to protect them.  They might get their toys taken away by the older kids.  They will have to wash their underwear in the sink and wear the same outfit for an entire week (or more).

Could you just picture your child in this situation?  Just for a minute....imagine your child crying themselves to sleep in an orphanage because they miss you so much.  Imagine your child only getting bread and butter for breakfast (maybe porridge on a good day), watered down potato soup for lunch and bread and butter for dinner.  Imagine your child not being able to change his clothes every day and having to wash his underwear in the sink.  Imagine having to put him on a plane to go all the way to the other side of the world to live in those conditions.  Just imagine.  I don't have to imagine because that will be a reality for me in less than 30 hours.  My son clung to me tonight sobbing and saying "Mama, no Ukraine" over and over again...."Mama, Alex No Ukraine, please".  And all I could do was to hold him and cry, too.

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.  James 1:27

I can't get the paperwork for this adoption done fast enough because if it were up to me, we would be going back to Ukraine with them on Thursday.  I just pray that the next 4 or 5 months don't feel like 4 or 5 years and that we will be rejoicing before you know it!!  And I have to remember that while I consider these my children......they really aren't mine at all........they are God's children and I may just have the privilege of caring for them.

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Psalm 127:3

Will you please pray for us because these next two days are going to be very hard for us.  We are going to send our children back to a place that is a place I wouldn't send my worst enemy!  My heart is going to be ripped out of my chest.  I can't even explain what I am feeling right now....I am just sitting here typing through a stream of tears.  However, through all of this, I know I need to lean on my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.  Psalm 34: 17-20 

Will you also consider donating to help us reach our goal of bringing Alex and Lilya home by the end of the year?  It is a very aggressive goal that we have been told is nearly impossible but something tells me that nothing is impossible with God.

For nothing is impossible with God.  Luke 1:37


1 comment:

  1. Love you girl and have felt your pain. Praying them home :)
