Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nerves and Excitement - Giving God All The Glory saying her name freaks me out right now.  Why?  I have no idea!  Maybe because behind the name - I know lies a 13 year old teenage girl who doesn't speak English!  Maybe because she is a girl and I have a boy. Maybe because our home is filled with Legos, Army men and boy stuff!!  Maybe because I feel inadequate.  Maybe fear of the unknown.  When we pick her up at the airport Tuesday night (Yes...Tuesday Night!!  This Tuesday Night!!!) I have no idea if she will be afraid of us.  I have no idea what to say to her.  I have no idea if her head will be shaved.  I have no idea about anything.  I hate not knowing.  God knows I hate not knowing.  That's probably why He has me in this situation!  Of course He does!  Isn't that one way that we grow in our faith?  Also...the feelings of inadequacy...well, He loves that! Why?  Because then it won't ever be about me!  He will get all of the glory!  So, while I freak out about the unknown, I know that in the end, ALL things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).  So, I may be inadequate but He isn't.  He will give me everything I need to minister to this girl.  And something someone said to me the other day will ring in my head over the next five weeks, "Love knows no language". 

So, please pray for us, that we will not seek anything for ourselves over these next 5 weeks.  That Coby will learn to be a little less selfish (and all of us for that matter), that we will all be humbled and that Lidiya will allow us to love her.  But most of all, please pray that she comes to know the Lord Jesus Christ while she is here!

Oh and I guess I should mention the shaved head comment, huh?  We were advised that if a lice breakout has occurred recently in the orphanages, that the orphanages tend to cut the children's hair VERY short or just shave it off...even the girls!  So, we will potentially have to deal with that and help her to not feel insecure about her hair, if that is the case.

I will try and keep the blog updated over the next five weeks and I will also keep it updated while in Eastern Europe on my mission trip in August.  I would be honored if you would follow me on this journey!  

Blessings to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Things will be great! I can't wait to meet her. Praying for you all :)
