Thursday, November 15, 2012


We have had a lot of people ask a lot of questions and we are so thankful that everyone is interested in what we are doing!!  Thank you for asking questions.  Thank you for praying.  We are blessed and there is no other way to put it.  I thought I would put together a list of some of the questions we get asked the most.  :)

  • Are you going to Ukraine to actually bring the kids home?
          Nooooooo, why would you think that?  We are actually flying all the way across the ocean to the other side of the world to take some pictures of the kids and then we will head back home to catch the Super Bowl!  Ummmmmmmmm....YES, the plan is to go and bring the kids home.  However, we are treating this like a pregnancy and just like if you are 9 months preganant and getting ready to deliver, anything can happen.  Please don't feel bad if you were one of the many people that asked us this really is a valid question because people that haven't adopted truly don't know how it works - it is just kinda funny to be on the receiving end of the question.  Sometimes I wonder if it would be liking asking someone who is in labor and heading to the hospital...."are you going to the hospital to actually have the baby?"  For that person, they are probably thinking, "duh, what else would I be going to the hospital for" but for the person who truly doesn't know, it isn't a silly question. :)

  • How long will you be gone and are all three of you going?
          Yes, all three of us are going!  We wouldn't want Coby to miss out on this opportunity for the world!!  This will be a life changing experience for him.  We want him to experience the culture of his siblings and really gain an understanding of where they live, how they live, what they eat, where they sleep, etc.  Danny and Coby will come home after court; which will be about 2-3 weeks and then April will stay the rest of the time.  April will be gone anywhere from 5-8 weeks.  But don't worry - someone will be at our house and holding the fort down here.

  • If Coby is going - is it going to be OK for him to miss that much school?
          Yes!  We are very blessed by a very understanding school and teacher.  Coby has been working on schoolwork for the past 2 weeks and he is going to school on Saturday to try and get some more work done.  His teacher is going to take time our of her schedule on a Saturday to meet with him - what a blessing she is!!!!  And - I would never think any child would be excited to go to school on a Saturday.....except mine!  Haha!!

  • What does Coby think about you adopting?
         Coby has been asking for siblings since he was 2 years old.  He is very excited to have a brother and a sister.  He will struggle and have some challenges but if you can show me a family with more than one child that doesn't have any struggles or challenges, I'd love to meet them!!!  We have been in prayer about this very seriously for the past 2 years.  God has made it clear that this is what he wants for our lives.  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).  So, I am not worried - I know God's got this.  Coby and all.

  • How come you are adopting kids in the Ukraine when we have so many children in America that need families?
          This is a really long answer and I don't want to bore you to death.  So, I am giving you the shortened, long version!  For one, we are doing what we feel the Lord is leading us to do.  I am not saying that to be cliche....I really mean it!  This is the direction He has put for our lives and so we are going.  Two, we do understand that there are many children in America that need families.  However, statistically, orphans in America can still make something out of their lives, if they choose to.  They do have that choice.  Orphans in these Eastern European countries simply do not have that choice.  They literally are dealt their fate.  They are told where they will go to school and what they will study.  And the jobs they are offered are awful.......just awful!  They are not treated like human beings...they are just a number.  And the statistics of what happens to orphans once they "age out of the system" is astonishing.  I am not quoting exact statistics here but just to give you an idea....approximately 90% of orphans will fall to drugs, alcohol, crime, human trafficking or suicide.  It's a very sad reality and that is part of the reason we are driven to help these children.

  • How much does it cost to adopt and aren't there a lot of other ways you could help and not spend so much money?  
          It will cost us approximately $34,000.  Yes, there are other ways that we could help and not spend so much money but it will be worth all of the effort, time and money invested.  Every minute.  Every penny.  These children are priceless.

  •  When you come home with the kids, can we come to the airport to welcome them home?  
            YES!!!!!  Please do!!!  We want to show Lilya and Alex that they are loved by a lot of people and I think the best way to initially show them is to have a huge welcoming crew at the airport!  Come with signs, balloons, stuff animals, lots of hugs and smiles!!!  They will be very excited and surprised to see how "famous" they will be the day they arrive home!  Shoot - if the media wants to show up, we welcome them, too!!!  It will be a huge celebration!  

We will take lots of photos and I will be blogging.  I have had some suggestions to post lots of pictures and blog just a little!  So, I will definitely try and post a lot of pictures!!!  Thank you for following our journey.  We leave in three days to go see what is so precious to us!


  1. Sometimes I feel like a broken record answering all those questions over and over! SO excited for you guys to travel and complete your family. We are submitting next Wednesday (supposed to be this week, but found a typo in the dossier - ugh!). Looking forward to following along on your journey! :)

  2. So happy for you all! Several countries require multiple adoption trips, and Ukraine is one where you can come back home without the child on the 1st or 2nd trip, so yeah a totally valid question! Safe travels to you all! :)
