Thursday, August 11, 2011

A load of emotions!

So, we have this little guy that the Lord brought into our home and there have been a bunch of emotions that have been running through me over the past week.  We went from one child/personality/behaviors/attitudes to a different child/personality/behaviors/attitudes in just 5 short days.  And both of them are completely different than the child/personality/behaviors/attitudes of the one that I birthed 10 years ago.

When he came to us on Friday, he played so well with Coby!!!  They played legos, army, nerf wars, trampoline and who knows what else....Coby's room looked like a tornado went through it!  I made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and he ate everything and even had seconds!  It was funny watching him eat the spaghetti because he ate the meat sauce and then ate the spaghetti noodles.  Then came bedtime.  Oh boy.........that was so hard.  I felt so bad for him and just did not know what to do.  He literally cried, sobbing uncontrollably for 2 hours!!!  I called a translator and he told the translator that he did not want to be here but he wanted to go back with the other family that had him before us.  Awww...poor little guy.  He eventually cried himself to sleep.

Day two, we took him and Coby to Monkey Joe's and that was a hit!  He LOVED it!  That kid has more energy that anyone I have ever met!  He went and went and went and went and went for about two hours and then came home and went some more!!  We had a good day and then came bedtime.  He did not cry as much this time (just a little) but he kept getting up and out of bed.  I would put him back and say пребывание which means "stay" and is pronounced "prebyvanie".  We did that for about two hours.  Then, I finally called the translator and his teacher was there, so she spoke with him.  After that, he stayed in his bed and was asleep within 15 minutes.

We explained to his teacher that after we spoke with her, he was asleep within 15 minutes and she said, "Oh me every night before bed".  Since we have been calling her before bed, he stays in bed and is usually asleep within 30 minutes.

He has a lack of emotional control, especially when he just doesn't know how to express his dislike, other than to cry or throw a fit and mostly just not to look at you.  But that is to be expected with everything he has been through during this trip and the fact that he speaks no English at all other than to say "thank you" and what his name is.  Oh, he can also count to about 7 in English.  He only knows about half of his alphabet, so he can't type anything to us.  He gets really upset when he feels something is being taken away from him and crys, pouts and uses body language to display his dissatisfaction.  But when being disciplined, he stays when told to stay (time-out), even though he isn't happy about it.  Isn't that half the battle?   Other than those things, he has the potential to be a great kid!  I think that if he joined a family that has boundaries and doesn't bend or break but showers him with love in addition to discipline, he will flourish!!  This is my opinion.  :)

‎"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…" Psalm 68:5-6 (NLT)

He didn't like Ozzie at first but now he loves him!

 I thought this was a cute picture of his face~

 He does great doing flips on the trampoline and into the pool~

They loved having nerf wars~

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