Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sometimes the answer to prayer is "no"

So, here I sit at my computer with my heart in my lap.  I don't have any other way to describe how I am feeling. I have cried many tears over the past two days and I have had to sort through my feelings and emotions.  I have cried, prayed and cried out to the Lord!  Why are my precious children from Ukraine not coming home for Christmas?

We received a call on Monday that it wasn't looking good for the kids to come.  No explanation as to why but just that it doesn't look good, so we needed to pray.  I had many thoughts running through my head and I prayed...we all prayed.  I emailed those that I knew would pray, those that I consider my family and we all prayed.  Well, God answered our prayers.  I believe this was his answer: "The kids will not be coming for Christmas.  But I want you to trust me".  Sometimes people believe that if the answer is "no", then God must not have answered our prayers.  One day I was teaching Coby about answered prayers and I told him that God answers all prayers.  He told me that he did not believe God answered all prayers.  I asked him why not.  He said, "Well, what if I prayed right now that I want God to give me a million dollars?  He wouldn't answer that prayer".  I told him that I disagreed and he asked me how I could possibly disagree with that.  I told him that God's answer to that prayer would more than likely be "no" but nonetheless, he answered it.  " I get it", Coby said!!  So, I truly believe that God hears and answers all prayers.  His answer might be yes, it might be no, it might be maybe, it might be not now, it might be wait....who knows what his answer might be but I do believe he always has an answer.

The answer that we received was that the region in which the kids live (Kherson) is shutting down all hostings indefinitely.  The local regional authority in Kherson is upset about the number of adoptions that have resulted from hosting programs in the past year. New Horizon's For Children (NHFC) is not the only program that brings kids from this region. There were 7 in the last 12 months and 4 of them were NHFC related. They are viewing the host program as a “child trafficking program” and making accusations now and investigating each of the orphanages, directors and others involved in the region in adoptions. It comes down to someone, somewhere, doesn’t want the kids to be adopted, therefore, they have now closed this region to hosting.

I'm not really sure I understand this completely but what I do know is that God is ultimately in control and he loves those children more than I ever could.  He has opened way too many doors for us in this area of hosting/adoption that we can not come to the conclusion that this means we are finished.  Four weeks ago, we had $850 towards our hosting and today we have a total of approximately $11,800.  Danny and I both firmly believe that the Lord is asking us to completely trust in him and to go get our children.  We now have almost a third of the money that is needed to fund the adoption of these children.

We have had many people ask a lot of questions since we started talking about hosting/adopting children from Ukraine.  Questions like:  We have a lot of orphans in America...why not just adopt here?  Why not adopt from a country where it is easier?  Why would you spend $10,000 to host, why not just apply that money towards adoption?  Well...there really is one simple answer for all of the questions....we are doing what we believe the Lord has asked us to do.  An orphan is an orphan no matter where they live and if the Lord is asking us to go to the Ukraine, then that is where we will go.  He never said it would be easy.  Since he has shut down the hosting for this Christmas, we will now apply that money towards adoption.  :)

We will go to the Ukraine with the intent to bring these children home.  There is no guarantee that we will get to bring these children many things can happen.  But I am going there with the thought that I am pregnant.  And just like in any pregnancy, even though you hear the baby's heartbeat and even though you see the baby on an ultrasound, there is still no guarantee that you will have that baby.  My pregnancy will begin when we start our homestudy.  So, I will share the news when we conceive!  And I will update everyone on the process of my pregnancy...up until the day of delivery.

Thank you all for your prayers and for following our journey.  I mean this with all of my heart - I am truly humbled at the outpouring of love and support that we have received...truly humbled.

Pictures of the children that you are reminded to pray for


  1. So sad for the children, as I'm sure they all expected to come for Christmas. I am loving your broken but open to God's plan attitude about all this. I don't think I'd have been this strong and understanding. Praying for your great family adventure that is to come!

  2. You are experiencing God's coralling of HIs will. It never seems to be what you's better. Hang in there, He's got your back and He's got these children's back. I am looking forward to hearing how your home study goes! I am sorry for your disappointment this Christmas, but I can't help to be really excited for your family.....something good is coming down the pike. I just know it.

  3. I hope you're able to talk to the kids in Ukraine-they could easily think you're pulling back or something (the whole trust issue).
    BTW: I read somewhere else that some of the state adoption folks (Russia and Ukraine) actually don't like for the kids to be adopted(that's crazy isn't it?) For each child to leave the orphanage, their payment from the government is reduced. It's a terrible shame but it sounds like maybe that's what's happening here. Remember, the Lord doesn't have a "plan B". Praying for all involved.
