Saturday, December 03, 2011

So many thoughts...

We are blessed.  I know I keep saying it but it is worthy of being mentioned again.  I really hope that people can see my heart and know how truly honored we are to have so many people support what we are doing, cry with us, cry for us, pray for us, give and just love.  There are people that we have never met that have given and prayed for us.  There are people that we had never met before tonight (another one of our fundraisers) that were there with us, asking questions about what we are doing.  It truly amazes me.

We had a Parent's Night Out Fundraiser tonight and we had 41 children come.  There were several children that were unable to attend for various reasons, so we would have had even more!  I don't even know how much we raised all together because we have received money all throughout the past couple of weeks and quite a bit of that money was included in the count at the auction.  But I can tell you that tonight alone, we received a total of $410!!  So, thank you so much!  Many children were already paid up, so I was not expecting that much to come in!!!

On another note, I wanted to let everyone know where we stand in regards to the children.  Danny and I feel the Lord leading us in the way of adoption.  However, there are many questions that need to be answered first.  The most important - do the kids even want to be adopted?  How much all together is it going to cost?  Vlad turns 16 in August - is it even possible to finalize everything before then?  We are in touch with an adoption agency and are in the process of getting those questions answered.  She is going to ask the Ukrainian translator that lives in Kherson (the region where the kids live) to go to the orphanage and ask the children if they want to be adopted.  Also, we received a total cost of approximately $35,000 to adopt all three.  We currently have a little over $12,000, so we are officially more than 1/3 of the way there!  Regarding being able to get things finalized before Vlad turns 16...the answer was "Maybe.  We need to see if they want to be adopted first".  Yikes!  So, we will just continue to wait on the Lord. 

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
(Lyrics from Lincoln Brewster)

Lidiya as we arrived at the airport to send her back...


  1. There is a law that states vlad can be adopted up to the age of 18 as long as his siblings are still in the orphanage....ask the adoption agent about this. The problem you will have is locating him once he leaves the orphanage...but then again the orphanage is required to keep tabs on him when he enters trade school, so it might be a mute issue....just what I learned in pursuing adoption with similar ages and leaving the orphanage. Each region is different so check it out. Also, if one changes his/her mind, he/she can stop the whole process. It is definitely going to be from God if all goes through. Praying for you!

  2. Yes, we knew about the adopting up to 18 if younger siblings are still in the orphanage but want to avoid that if at all possible. We have a LOT of obstacles ahead of us. Those and the fact that Kherson is not being friendly to adoptions right now and the fact that their director is in hot water for "allowing" too many American adoptions. It will most definitely be from God if it all goes through!!! But that's how He gets the glory, right?
