Friday, November 12, 2010

Danny's Response & The Rest of the Story!

I have to admit, I was not one hundred percent sure this is what God had planned for us but I am always willing to seek Him out for His will for our lives and the direction He wants us to go. The night I sat at the computer and looked at the photos of those children, it was not my normal practice to do this. But that night I just felt a push, if you will, to look at the little faces seeking out families. Than all of a sudden...BOOM! I caught myself looking into the eyes of a little boy named Sasha and felt this racing excitement in my heart. Was it God, I asked?

As I sat there reading his profile, the feelings that were racing through my heart was of Hope! This little boy's heart was shared and he had said that he was praying to Jesus for his family. I called April in and told her that this little boy is special and I want to pray about hosting him. As I went into the other room, I continued to pray and asked God that if this is the boy He wants to be part of our family, then move mountains and show me the way. For many days to come, Sasha was on my mind all the the morning, at lunch and at the supper table. I prayed, "Lord hold this boy in your loving arms until he can be here with us".

As my excitement grew, I started making fliers and other info to hand out to everyone we know, because I knew this was going to be a long and trial-filled journey. I kept asking April if she had called any adoption agencies so we can find out if Sasha is able to be adopted or not. One day I came home and she told me that she had spoke with a couple of Eastern European adoption agencies. One of them had told her all this stuff; which I take to be negative info.  Things such as: this is the toughest country to adopt from, not to mention the emphasis on how much money it takes. That's when the Lord took hold of my heart and said to me:

"Danny suit up in my armor and take hold of this journey I have for you, it will be tough, tiring, stressful and at times seem to be impossible. But prepare as through this journey I will first of all grow you, bring you and your family closer together and you will bring home your son!"

I looked at April and said "NO!" I do not care what they say...if its tough, expensive or whatever.  I will not let this world put mountains in front of me to stop me from doing God's work. We are to move forward...we are not shopping for a new car, I do not care how expensive they say it is; my God can make all things possible! So I told April to hold my hands and lets pray harder that God continues to move in ways that cannot be explained so that He gets all the honor and glory. We prayed together and I vowed before my wife and my God that I will lead my family in our Savior's direction and push forward with His plans for adopting Sasha. We will endure trials when we do His work but He will also follow through with His blessings. As days pass and Sasha continues to be part of my daily prayer life, I can say that we are preparing for the blessings of the Lord.

I ask of you, please pray for the McLaughlin family and Sasha in an Eastern European Orphanage, that the Lord and the Lord only, bring us together this Christmas.

In His Grip,
Danny McLaughlin

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am so excited for you guys! I can't wait to see those mountains move and for Sasha to be in Holly Springs where we can visit him! Please tell him he already has 7 kids in Fuquay who are already his friends :)
