Monday, November 22, 2010

The Lord is at Work

The other day, I was at school picking up Coby and my friend Dawn was there.  I was talking to her about Sasha and she mentioned that there is a family at Cary Christian School that has a Foreign Exchange Student from Germany.  She is originally from Russia, though and speaks fluent well as German, English and Latin.  Wow!  So, I contacted the family to see if they minded if she helped us out a bit maybe with some English tutoring for Sasha.  The mom emailed me back and gave me this girl's cell phone #.

Well, I called her on Friday and she has agreed to tutor Sasha every single afternoon for an hour.  Plus, she is going to help me show Sasha around the school and tell him about the his own language.   Plus, she offered to be available for him by phone any time he wanted to talk to her or if we are having trouble communicating something.  We can call her, put Sasha on the phone and she will translate for us.  This is amazing for a couple of reasons.  For one, it will obviously help us to communicate with Sasha.  But most importantly, I think spending an hour a day with someone who speaks his language is really going to help him feel more secure. 

In our prayer time, one thing that we have lifted up is our ability to communicate with Sasha.  According to his paperwork, he does not speak any English at all, so that has been something that we have prayed about.  We figured we would be playing a lot of Charades and Pictionary.  Which I am sure we will still be doing but this willingness of someone to help is going to make things so much easier!

So each and every day as we go through the trials of hosting and adoption, we can most definitely see the Lord's hand at work!! 

Every single day we are dealing with some aspect of Sasha coming.  Between talking to New Horizons, the adoption agency, blogging, praying, talking to friends, asking for help (which is very humbling), attending training and just the  many things that we are having to do....we are constantly working on this.  It definitely is a very humbling opportunity.

Philippians 2:3-11  Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. ... 

I am, so far from following this verse but this is a verse that I would love to paint on my walls.  A reminder to be more like Jesus because he performed the most humbling act by dying on the cross for us when we definitely didn't deserve it.  We are "good people", but when we say that, what are we comparing ourselves to?  The world or Jesus?  I'd much rather be more like Jesus.  So, I am working on counting others as more important than myself and I hope that comes across when I am dealing with others.  I hope when you see me, you can see Jesus in me. 

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