Saturday, December 11, 2010

...and He takes away

Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.  Job 1:21

We received an email this afternoon making it official that the Children in Russia will not becoming to America.  Here is an excerpt from the email I received:

The “governor of Russia” (Personally, I do not understand who exactly this is) has made a statement that orphan children are not to depart the country of Russia without permission under the new law, to ANY other country at this time. There is one big problem with this statement: The law did not give any directive or means for what the NEW law does for hosting programs. It simply states that hosting programs will be regulated. Therefore, those who generally give the written and final permission for the orphans to travel outside of Russia are in great fear. They have been told if they issue permission and it is deemed to be against the new law they will both loss of their job and potential criminal prosecution!

So, thank you for your prayers.  God answered our prayers and the answer apparently was "no".  Please continue to pray for those children.  Also, please pray for us as we try to determine what God wants us to do.  I have had many people ask the question, "Are you still going to pursue adopting Sasha?"  Well, we are seeking the Lord for that answer.  If that region is so difficult and the Lord is closing the doors, then I hate to try and pursue something only to find out $40,000 later that the answer was "no".  I do believe that The Lord has laid in on our hearts to adopt and I believe that the Lord used Sasha to soften Danny's heart towards adoption.  The question now remains when and who?  When does The Lord want us to adopt and who does the Lord want us to adopt.  Please pray that His Will be made clear to us.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you all and your situation. I hadn't read your blog in a while and was sad to see how things are going right now.

    Best wishes,


    P.S. If there is any way that your blog posts could have a date on them that would be so helpful! It is hard for me to tell when each of these things happened.
