Sunday, December 12, 2010

This has never happened to me

There are things that happen to people on a consistent basis and I sometimes get jealous that it doesn't happen to me.  I have never been a a matter of fact, I can honestly say that I can't remember just sitting down and reading a book as an adult.  However, in February when the movie Dear John came out, I loved the movie so much, I actually read the book.  Loved the book even more!  So, I started reading Nicholas Sparks' Books.  I read a total of 7 books within about 4 weeks.  But I wasn't liking the recurring theme of sin in his before marriage.  Someone introduced me to Karen Kingsbury.  Since I picked up my first book of hers in March, I have read 28 of her books and am now on my 29th right now.  The thing that happens recurringly (is that even a word?) in her books is that her characters have The Lord speak to them audibly and more often than not, it is scripture being spoken to them.  How refreshing, compared to the recurring sin in Sparks' books.  However, it leaves me a little jealous because I wish that happened to me. 

Well, it happened to me this morning.  Last night, on the way to a Christmas Party, Danny kept telling me that he didn't like what I wrote in my blog.  He said this because he doesn't feel this is over yet.  He is not giving up on God.  Now, I am most definitely NOT giving up on God; however, I feel that the door has been closed.  That doesn't mean that God can't open that door back up, nor does it mean that another door doesn't open.  However, he feels very strongly that this battle isn't over. 

This morning, I woke up to read this devotional.  I was still in bed and afterwards, I just prayed that The Lord reveal to me what I am supposed to do.  Immediately, the following scripture came into my mind.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  Proverbs 3:5

I could hear the scripture audibly.  It was my own thoughts in my head in which I heard it but nevertheless, I heard it.  So, I am going to trust that this battle isn't over yet.  Just like the devotional states, "Perseverance is more than endurance. It is endurance combined with absolute assurance and certainty that what we are looking for is going to happen."  I don't know how that will look but I do know that we can't give up and we have to believe with absolute assurance that what we are looking for is going to happen.  Our ways are not The Lord's ways, so we are looking at it from an earthly perspective.  However, I have no doubt that it is going to happen.  The question that remains is how.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.  Isaiah 55:8

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