Friday, December 10, 2010

Even If you've never read my blog....please read this!!!

Danny and I just got off of a one hour prayer session with New Horizons.  That was probably the most powerful thing I have ever been a part of.  There were over 130 people on the phone praying out to our Father.  At one time, we all prayed The Lord's Prayer and let me tell you, that brought tears to my eyes.

New Horizons is the non-profit organization that we are hosting Sasha through.  The organization is being attacked from all angles and a calling to your knees is needed right now.  Please, I am begging you right now....if you can get on your knees, get on your knees.  And if you do, please post it here.  Prayer works and we need to lift these children up to the Almighty One.

It will be encouraging for Danny and I, for those praying and hopefully for those that are going to read this blog to know that people are praying for hundreds of fatherless children on the other side of the world.  But the only way they will know is if you share.  Just take a moment and post a comment on the blog that you are praying...on your knees, bowed down before The Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End.

A quick synopsis of what has been happening and then some things for you to pray for:
  • There are children coming for 5 weeks from the countries of Latvia, Russia and Ukraine.
  • The children of Latvia were possibly not able to come due to the longest airstrike in the history of FinnAir.  It started on November 30 and finally ended yesterday afternoon.  The first day of full scheduled flights begins on Monday, the day the children are scheduled to fly out.
  • Some of the children of Ukraine were possibly not able to come due to them not being to get their passports processed in enough time.  However, today, every child got their passports and will be coming on Monday.
  • Many, many orphans in Russia are threatened with not being able to come.  The children in Orphanages in Borovichi, Sol'tsy and Orphanage #35 have been told they will not come.  The Head Prosecutor in Russia has halted all of those children from coming.  As of right now, they are still not allowing those children to come.  Sasha lives in an orphanage in Sol'tsy. 
What to pray for:
  • Please pray for a hedge of protection to be surrounding the children that will be traveling from those countries to America.
  • Please pray for a hedge of protection to be surrounding the children that will not be able to come.  Pray that the Lord give them peace so that they don't feel unwanted or unloved because they are now not coming to America.
  • Please pray for New Horizons for Children and all of the staff.  They are being attacked, so please pray that the Lord show himself mightily through this Organization.
  • Please pray and plead with the Lord to allow these children from Orphanages in Borovichi, Sol'tsy and Orphanage #35 to come to America.  Some of these Orphanages are in remote areas of Russia with the very, very basic necessities of life.  Some of them do not even have hot running water.  The Orphanage that Sasha lives in is one of those.  
Matthew 18:18-20  Take this most seriously: A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a no on earth is no in heaven. What you say to one another is eternal. I mean this. When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I'll be there.

We have to believe that The Lord will hear our prayer.  We are not asking you to get on your knees for any other reason than for these children because they belong to The Lord.  Everything we do regarding hosting Sasha is to glorify God and to show Sasha the love of Jesus Christ.

I am not one to beg people to pray but this is for the innocent, God's most prized of all.

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